Welcome to the Sewing Studio!

Discover Your Creative Freedom

Our sewing classes are small groups, which makes it possible to dedicate personalized attention to each individual. Whether you are coming for some weekly creative “me-time” or just want to learn a useful skill, our sewing projects are designed to give you a fulfilling learning experience. We strive to make the classroom vibe fun, focused, and comfortable so you feel welcome to ask questions and experiment with this age-old craft.

In our studio, you have the freedom to explore a wide array of project categories, including:

  • Home Decor

  • Bags and Accessories

  • Upcycling and Repurposing

  • Clothing

  • Doll Clothing and Accessories

  • Holiday and Seasonal Projects

  • Soft Toys and Plushies

  • Sewing for Pets

  • Learning and Skill-building

  • Mending and Repair

Expert Guidance and Assistance:

At our studio, success is your destination, and we’re here to guide you every step of the way.

Our dedicated instructor, Elaine Hansor is committed to your creative journey.

Supplies and Equipment:

  • All the necessary supplies and equipment are readily available for in-house projects, so you can dive right into your work. Feel free to bring your sewing machine if you prefer, but it’s not a requirement.

Instructor Elaine Hansor, has been sewing since her youth and has created a successful business with her sewing talents. She is owner of Aggie + Francois, a childrens clothing brand. She is SEW excited to share her love of the craft and guide you on your sewing journey!